Impact Factor 2023
The Impact Factor 2023 for the UiM/EJU is 3.1

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Authors' guidelines for Ultraschall in der Medizin / European Journal of Ultrasound
The UiM/EJU-specific guidelines are listed here ()
Ultraschall in der Medizin / European Journal of Ultrasound publishes scientific papers and contributions from a variety of disciplines on the diagnostic and therapeutic applications of ultrasound with an emphasis on clinical application. Technical papers with a physiological theme as well as the interaction between ultrasound and biological systems might also occasionally be considered for peer review and publication, provided that the translational relevance is high and the link with clinical applications is tight. The editors and the publisher reserve the right to publish selected articles online only. Authors are welcome to submit supplementary video material. Letters and comments are also accepted, promoting a vivid exchange of opinions and scientific discussions.
All articles submitted to the European Journal of Ultrasound undergo rigorous peer review. With web-based manuscript submission and expedited turn-around, rapid electronic and print publication is guaranteed.
Publication language is English.
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General guidelines for authors
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UIM/EJU offers its authors the option to have their manuscripts published immediately upon acceptance (if the publication preference Open Access is chosen, the manuscript gets published only after receipt of the APC). This means that the unedited, unformatted version of the manuscript as it stands after peer review is published online, with a DOI. Authors wishing to make use of this service will be asked to upload a "clean" (i.e., without any highlighted track changes or comments) and not anonymized version of their manuscripts after every revision; this is a precondition for this service, as is the confirmation that the Copyright Transfer Agreement (CTA) will be signed upon receipt. This service is offered for Case Report, Pictorial Essay, Original Article, Review, Quality Assurance, Letter to the Editor, Technical Development, Rapid Communication and Guidelines & Recommendations.
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- Clinical trial information will be published as entered at the step "Details & Comments".
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