European Journal of Ultrasound

Impact Factor 2023

The Impact Factor 2023 for the UiM/EJU is 3.1


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How to get your paper published in a scientific journal

In general, when you write a paper to submit to scientific journals there is high competition from other authors and research groups. It can be a challenge to get your work published, especially in your early career. It is important that you can create interest of your research results by capturing editors and reviewer's interest. It can be stressful getting a paper published in a scientific journal.

>> Here are some tips so you hopefully don't get stressed during the preparation of your manuscript, submission and reviewers' comments!


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Video Content

Video Content

Heinzmann, A.; Müller, T.; Leitlein, J.; Braun, B.; Kubicka, S.; Blank, W.: Endocavitary Contrast Enhanced Ultrasound (CEUS) – Work in Progress Endokavitäre Kontrastsonografie (CEUS) – Work in Progress
Yang, J.-M.; Yang, S.-H.; Huang, W.-C.; Tzeng, C.-R.: Impact of Two Reflex Pelvic Floor Muscle Contraction Patterns on Female Stress Urinary Incontinence Die Bedeutung von zwei reflektorischen Muskelkontraktionsmustern des Beckenbodens für die weibliche Stressinkontinenz
Willruth, A.; Geipel, A.; Berg, C.; Fimmers, R.; Gembruch, U.: Assessment of Cardiac Function in Monochorionic Diamniotic Twin Pregnancies with Twin-to-Twin Transfusion Syndrome Before and After Fetoscopic Laser Photocoagulation Using Speckle Tracking Beurteilung der kardialen Funktion bei monochorialen diamnioten Gemini mit feto-fetalem Transfusionssyndrom vor und nach Lasertherapie mittels “Speckle-Tracking”-Technik
Basaran, A.: Diagnosis of Occipital Meningocele at 10 Weeks of Gestation and its Natural Course – Imaging of Meningoencephalocele in Early Postembryonic Period Diagnose der okzipitalen Meningozele in der 10. Gestationswoche und deren natürlicher Verlauf – Darstellung der Meningoenzephalozele in der frühen nachembryonalen Periode